+30 years of experience as

Model Makers

What We Can Do For You?

Model Making

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Concept to Model

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3D Printing

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Miniature Giveaways

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Interactive VR & Simulation

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Custom AR Development

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Digital Twin & Metaverse

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Multi-Touch Screen & Object Recognition

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Take a Look at Our Works


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Why Us?

Who We Are?

Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of passion, dedication. and skillful execution in a professional manner. 

Our motto, at Contour Models, is “Our clients are our partners in success.” For the past 30 years we strived to maintain the satisfaction of our clients through delivering our models on schedule with superior high quality. Led by architect Islam Khraim founder and General Manager, we seek to deliver the best.

Throughout our many years of experience, Contour Models delivered hundreds of models to clients in many counlqes, such as Jordan. UAL Saudi Arabia. Bahrain. Qatar. Morocco, Libya. Iraq. Kuwait, Oman, Algeria, Mauritania, and Lebanon. These models vary in types, scales, and sizes. All of which serve the intensions of the designers and support the concept of the design and the vision of the project.

Need a quick help or have questions?

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
06:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Saturday - Sunday
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Our address

Mauris rhoncus orci in imperdiet:

Level 13, 2 Elizabeth St,
Melbourne, Victoria 3000,